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Privacy and Personal Information Collection Statement

In this notice, a reference to: “Rhino-Rack”, “we”, “us, “our” means Rhino Rack Australia Pty Limited (ABN 63 122 680 639); “Privacy Act” means the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)

Rhino-Rack considers privacy to be an important personal right and provides you with this important notice concerning personal information.

How you can contact us about privacy
Personal information identifying you has been or will be collected about you by Rhino Rack Australia Pty Limited (ABN 63 122 680 639).
You can contact our Privacy Officer by the following means:
Phone: 02 8846 1900
Postal Address: The Privacy Officer, Rhino Rack Australia Pty Ltd, 22A Hanson Place, Eastern Creek, NSW 2766.
Please contact us as described above if any information concerning you is or at any time becomes inaccurate, so that we can correct our records.

Our privacy policy
Our privacy policy is available at , and you can request a hard copy from us at any time by contacting us as noted above. Our privacy policy contains details of how you can:

  • gain access to the personal information held by us and how you can seek correction of the information; and
  • complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act and how we will deal with such a complaint.

Are there laws that require us to collect personal information?
No, but we cannot consider your application/request to test fit your vehicle or use your vehicle in a photo shoot unless we do.

Purposes of collection of personal information

  • assessing your application to test fit your vehicle for new products or use your vehicle in a photo shoot showcasing our products;
  • collecting information about your vehicle and any test results;
  • contacting you so as to enable us to manage your application and participation as described above;
  • offer/supply/sell to you our products and/or services;
  • retaining your information on our database so that we can advise you of services and products which we reasonably believe you may be interested in from time to time;
  • for other purposes as stated in our privacy policy .

Consequences if we are unable to collect the personal information we seek
If you do not provide the information we seek we may not be able to consider your application to test fit your vehicle for new products or use your vehicle in a photo shoot showcasing our products. In addition, you may not be able to participate in future offers of goods or services which we supply.

Disclosure of personal information to others
Personal information submitted by you may be disclosed to organisations that provide us with information technology services, marketing and promotional services and professional advice, such as legal practitioners and accountants. We may also disclose that personal information to any person or organisation who may be interested in buying the whole or part of our business. Otherwise, we will not proactively disclose your personal information to third parties. However, please note that Rhino-Rack may use external contractors to assist it from time to time with our operations, such as:

  • host, maintain and manage our IT system and database;
  • cleaning of our premises;
  • conducting clerical, mail-out, marketing and other tasks; and/or
  • provide temporary staff.

In some such cases such external service providers may have access to your personal information. In such cases it is our policy to include, where commercially possible, provisions in the contract with the service provider that obliges the service provider to comply with our privacy policy and to comply with the Privacy Act and the Australian Privacy Principles.

Your access rights to your personal information
Under the Privacy Act you have some rights of access to the personal information we hold about you, and the right to have it corrected if required. The right of access is qualified because there are some circumstances in which we can withhold some or all of the information we hold. See above for contact details on how you can request access.

Overseas disclosure of personal information
We will not disclose your personal information to anyone overseas without your consent.

Privacy complaints
If you wish to complain about our use of your personal information or a potential breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, please contact us as described above. If you are unhappy with our handling of your complaint, the complaint may then be taken to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

I confirm that I have read this privacy collection statement and privacy policy referred herein and that I agree and understand the reasons why my personal information must be collected, and the purposes for which my information may be used or shared. I give my permission for my personal information to be collected, used and disclosed as described above.